
VIV China reflects growth perspectives

The “Grand International Edition” of VIV China will be held in Beijing from September 6-8, 2010. The international world of suppliers and buyers active in China will come together at the NCIEC, located nearby the international airport. Over 250 national and international exhibitors at VIV China 2010 will represent their solutions within the Feed to Meat chain. The organizers expect a strong representation of buyers from all over China.
28 June 2010
The “Grand International Edition” of VIV China will be held in Beijing from September 6-8, 2010. The international world of suppliers and buyers active in China will come together at the NCIEC, located nearby the international airport. Over 250 national and international exhibitors at VIV China 2010 will represent their solutions within the Feed to Meat chain. The organizers expect a strong representation of buyers from all over China.

Chances and challenges

It is a well-known fact that China currently is front runner in the world in the field of growth opportunities for the animal production and processing industry. The country has huge potential for expanding its domestic agro-food industry as well as the production of the systems needed to support the industry. Rising living standards not only lead to a greater consumption of meat and therefore the demand for feed, but also result in a greater diversity of meat consumption, which, in turn, has an impact on the types of feed produced.

While pig and poultry feeds dominate production, highest growth rates are being recorded for production of dairy and aqua feeds. This growth in demand for meat, and consequently feed, will present China with increasing challenges. According to the Rabobank, there are already large regional variations in the availability of feed ingredients and, as demand rises, the country will have to look to importing more cheaply, processing more efficiently, or finding alternatives.

Ruwan Berculo, project manager for VIV Asia Pacific adds: “The Chinese economy is growing rapidly, with an increasing focus on the private sector. Chinese entrepreneurs are ambitious, impulsive and rapid decision makers. The Chinese economy is a Power House, driven by innovations. Now is the time to invest in your Chinese network.”

Country pavilions
Many countries will be represented by a country pavilion at VIV China 2010. A large Dutch delegation has joined forces for the Dutch pavilion. The Dutch pavilion is a cooperation between the VIV organizers and the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The Holland Pavilion will have a special focus on trade and matchmaking possibilities. Korea, France and the Illinois Department of Agriculture from the U.S. are also hosting country pavilions.


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