
Webb Accepts New Role with AASV

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) welcomes Ms. Sherrie Webb as Associate Editor of the Journal of Swine Health and Production (JSHAP).

22 November 2017

AASVIn her new role, Webb will join the current JSHAP staff tasked with producing the association’s bi-monthly journal. Webb accepted the position currently held by Dr. Judi Bell, who has announced her retirement after 17 years with the journal.

Webb will be responsible for proofreading and editing scientific articles submitted for publication in JSHAP. She will work closely with the authors to address comments from reviewers and the executive editor to ensure the articles conform to the journal’s standards for grammar and style. In addition to her work with JSHAP, Webb will also utilize her expertise in swine well-being to advise on animal welfare issues, and aid in the development of welfare outreach and education opportunities for AASV.

“We are thrilled to be adding Sherrie to our staff at AASV. Her scientific credentials, knowledge and experience provide a tremendous opportunity for AASV, both in her editorial role and her work in the area of swine welfare,” noted Dr. Tom Burkgren, AASV Executive Director.

Webb received her Master’s degree in Animal Science from the University of Illinois in 2006. Prior to joining AASV, Webb was Director of Animal Welfare, Science & Technology for the National Pork Board where she oversaw the Pork Checkoff animal welfare program. In that role, she worked with veterinarians, producers and other segments of the pork chain to identify welfare issues concerning the swine industry and worked collaboratively to provide solutions to these issues.

Sherrie will begin her new responsibilities on January 8, 2018. Please join us in welcoming Sherrie to AASV and JSHAP.

November 21, 2017 - American Association of Swine Veterinarians.

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