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WEDA constructs innovative pen concept for organic operation

The Be.Well concept stands for products which focus on the well-being and health of the pigs and facilitate economic and safe working at the same time.

The individual pens are separated by gates.
The individual pens are separated by gates.
20 November 2019

Maximum hygiene standards

“The individual pens are separated by gates. For cleaning purposes, we constructed the gates in a way that facilitates opening the gates to the side and mounting them to the wall”, explained WEDA head of development Ralf Meyer. “Thanks to a special door hinge, the gates can be easily lifted out of the straw and opened and closed in both directions. Subsequently, the manure can be pushed away with one movement”, Meyer added. The animal area is made of stainless steel and synthetic materials, which makes the pen easy to clean and compliant with maximum hygiene standards.

Open, clear design

The farrowing pen is designed in an open and clearly structured way, with the piglet nest and trough located at the corridor. If necessary, it is possible to restrain the sow for a short time for treatment purposes without necessitating a worker to enter the sow area. The grid used to restrain the sow for short periods of time serves to separate the piglet nest when open. Furthermore, the pen also facilitates short-term sow restraining to tend to the piglets. And the highlight of it all: the sow can still use the roaming area and the feeding area.

The farrowing pen is designed in an open and clearly structured way, with the piglet nest and trough located at the corridor.
The farrowing pen is designed in an open and clearly structured way, with the piglet nest and trough located at the corridor.

Trough close to the ground

The trough was designed to also facilitate use as a watering place in case of need. It is installed to the floor so that piglets can also feed there. “Our animals immediately felt at home, and we can work really well in the pen”, said Angelika Balz of the Wilhelminenhof farm. “Above all, our animals can be kept environmentally friendly and species-appropriately, which means we stay true to our values and principles”, she concluded.

Suitable for all farming methods

With the new Be.Well concept, WEDA is reacting to industry demand for product solutions which ensure animal welfare and animal protection. Accordingly, the products are suited equally for conventional and organic animal farming. The “Arche Wilhelminenhof” farm is operated according to Demeter guidelines and the principle of civic agriculture. Besides pig farming, the family business operates its own farm shop and also cultivates fruits and vegetables.

November 19, 2019 - WEDA

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