At the EuroTier 2022 in Hanover, Germany, animal nutrition company Zinpro presented its integrated, performance approach on trace mineral nutrition and farm management services. Having complementing solutions further supports dairy, pig, and poultry farmers in meeting today’s challenges around performance, health, and welfare.
Trace minerals are key ingredients in animal diets and Zinpro, with over 50 years of experience and knowledge on this field, has pioneered and fine-tuned the science around these important ingredients for farm animals. The company has successfully developed and implemented its high-quality Performance Minerals® range, marked by their unique metabolic pathway, mode of action and positive results on different key performance metrics in farm animals.

More than minerals alone
Supplying the animals with quality trace minerals is key to reach their full potential, be more efficient and to reduce nutrient losses. But to run a healthy, sustainable, and profitable farm is more than nutrition. Success is driven by a combination of quality diets and good farm management. “This is why Zinpro is more than minerals alone. We go for performance solutions. This means that we complement our Performance Minerals range with farm management tools, services, and expertise for our customers”, explains Tim Horne, Regional Manager for Europe and South Africa.
This integrated approach was further explained during three expert talks at the DLG Pig & Poultry Forum and the DLG Milk & Cattle Forum at EuroTier 2022. The presentations delved into the challenges and performance solutions for dairy cows, poultry, and swine and where practical tools are used to reach the best results.
Managing sows and claw health
“The sow is very important for producing quality piglets. Yet, the metabolism of the sow is very much challenged these days. While piglet litters have increased in size and weight, the sow’s body size has not increased in the same proportion. This requires extra attention to sow nutrition and keeping her in the right body condition during gestation and lactation”, Dr. Christof Rapp, swine expert at Zinpro explained during his presentation.
When the sow is losing too much weight, it has a direct impact on the quality of the oocyst formation and pregnancy rate. And with every non-productive day the sow has, the swine producer is losing a lot of money, especially during times of high energy and feed costs. “The supplementation of Zinpro® Availa® Sow helps to create more robust sows. Not only by preventing backfat loss, but also by improving claw health and boosting the antioxidant and immunity status. This results in a higher pregnancy rate (+8%), 1.2 piglets more weaned per sow per year and less removal due to lameness (-42%)”, Rapp explained.
November 29, 2022 - Zinpro