Starting this month, Zoetis will be working with the National Pork Board to help extend the reach of Individual Pig Care, an in-barn education and training program from Zoetis. For nearly 10 years, this program has highlighted the importance of early identification of sick pigs, which can improve treatment outcomes and reduce herd mortality.
Ultimately, this knowledge helps ensure producers are supplying safe, high-quality pork and more pigs are reaching their full market potential.
Since we introduced Individual Pig Care in 2005, our technical service veterinarians have helped train hundreds of caregivers and production managers on the importance of walking the pens to check every pig every day, said Dr. Rick Swalla, senior veterinarian, Pork Technical Services, Zoetis. We want to help bring this program to more pork producers and pig caregivers, which is why this collaboration with the National Pork Board is so important.

With new support from the National Pork Board, more pork producers and pig caregivers across the United States will have access to the Individual Pig Care program. Trained veterinarians, extension agents and PQA Plus trainers will deliver the same Individual Pig Care training that has been conducted and owned by Zoetis.
Those who participate will learn how to properly monitor pig health on an individual basis. This helps ensure any sick pigs are identified early, so they may be treated appropriately, as directed by the herds veterinarian, and in a timely manner. Pigs exhibiting signs of illness are rated by using a classification system:
- A pig = Acute illness
- B pig = Subacute illness
- C pig = Chronic illness
- E pig = Humanely euthanize
The classification system allows caregivers to communicate a pigs health condition more clearly to their managers and herd veterinarians. By doing so, pigs needing treatment are provided care at the right time with the right product and according to veterinarian-directed protocols. This essentially is the cornerstone of responsible antibiotic use.
Pork producers are proud of how they care for their pigs, said Bill Winkelman, vice president-producer and industry relations, National Pork Board. Were continuously collaborating with others to improve animal husbandry and focus on a bright future for pork. By bringing the Individual Pig Care program to more producers, we can have an industrywide, consistent method of care that results in healthier pigs.
February 3, 2016 - Zoetis