A new website focused entirely on sustainable, responsible and successful pork production was launched this week to bring news, trends, research updates and commentary to all links of the global pork chain.
Called Voice of Sustainable Pork, the website brings together what it calls the four P’s of sustainability — pigs, pork, people, planet — to, in the words of the United Nations, meet “the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Visitors can also sign up for Voice of Sustainable Pork’s free e-newsletter, which will highlight major stories on the website and contribute to the pork industry’s ongoing conversation about becoming more sustainable. The pork industry also can follow Voice of Sustainable Pork on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.
“Virtually every decision made in the pork industry has its sustainability trade-offs, so there is no single way of being ‘sustainable,’ in absolute terms,” said Curt Shuey, vice president, commercial development and lifecycle management for Zoetis, which is sponsoring the news website.
“But there are many ways of being more sustainable — and therein lie the opportunities for all links of the pork chain. These opportunities are what Voice of Sustainable Pork is all about.”
Shuey said Zoetis, a global animal health company, would draw on its resources to contribute information on pig health, welfare, efficiency, food safety, meat quality and ways to reduce the carbon footprint of modern pork production.
““With Voice of Sustainable Pork, we are turning to all links of the pork chain — producers, feed companies, veterinarians, slaughterhouses, processors, policymakers — to lend their expertise to this important conversation. The website’s success hinges largely on the industry’s participation,” he added
March 30, 2016 - Zoetis