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Swine news - Economy

ASF continues to threaten the global pork market

According to Rabobank, African swine fever (ASF) continues to threaten the global pork market, not only by causing a production drop in Asian countries, but also adding uncertainty to trade and production prospects in other parts of the world.

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Pig prices

Germany8 Jan
China1 Jan
Spain 9 Jan

Mexico is eligible to sell pig offal to China

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) has in its schedule the opening in due course of new markets for the export of meat beef, pork and fowl products in Asian and American countries.

EU exports of pork are expected to continue increasing in 2019


EU exports of pork, beef, olive oil and dairy products are expected to continue increasing in 2019. Pork exports are especially driven by Chinese demand, while production is expected to stabilise. These are among the main findings of the latest short-term outlook report for EU agricultural markets.

EU and Mercosur reach agreement on trade

The European Union and Mercosur - a bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay - reached a political agreement for an ambitious, balanced and comprehensive trade agreement on Friday 28 June.


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