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Swine news - Economy

FAO Meat Price Index down on an annual basis

The FAO Meat Price Index posted an a 0.8 percent increase during the month, led by a recovery in pigmeat prices, which were supported by strong global import demand, especially from Brazil. The index was down 2.2 percent on an annual basis.

Import of pork and pig offal in China, 2019-2023

It is expected that from 2019 to 2023, the import volume of pork and pig offal in China will continue to rise, and China’s pork market will receive attention from the pig farmers and pork traders all over the world.

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Pig prices

Germany8 Jan
China1 Jan
Spain 9 Jan

Truce in US-China trade relations

The President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and President Xi Jinping of China, have just concluded what both have said was a “highly successful meeting” between themselves and their most senior representatives in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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