Swine news - Economy
The pig census increases in Italy
Main German abattoirs in 2017
France: banning of the use of meat terms for plant products
Rabobank: Uncertainties threaten optimism in global pork trade
EU and Mexico reach new agreement on trade
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Drop in Brazilian pork exports
How the Agreement on Economic Association with Japan affects pigmeat
French pig production increases
Access for U.S. pork exports to Argentina
China: swine production is shifting north and west
Russia talks with Brazil: bilateral deliveries of animal products
European Commission acts to ban unfair trade practices in the food supply chain
Top swine companies in China
EU pork exports to China recovering in 2018
EU: 2018 pigmeat production is expected to rise
FAO: Restrained prospects for cereal production
Chile: the signing of the CPTPP favours pork exports
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