Abstracts - Facilities and equipment
Long-term measurement of lying behavior in crates and free-farrowing pens using 3D accelerometers
Added aroma changes pig behaviour in novel situation aimed for stunning
Intradermal needle-free injection prevents ASF transmission, while intramuscular needle injection does not
Infection prediction in swine populations with machine learning
Reclassification of ASFV into 7 biotypes using unsupervised machine learning

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Disasters, population trends, and their impact on the U.S. pork packing sector
Pig manure treatment strategies for mitigating the spread of antibiotic resistance
Effects over time of different types of sounds on gestating sows’ behavior
Welfare and performance of sows and piglets in farrowing pens with temporary crating system
Effects of providing sensory attractants to suckling pigs during lactation and after weaning on post-weaning growth performance
Effect of slurry funnels with partial pit ventilation on emissions from pig houses

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Survival of a surrogate ASF virus-like algal virus in feed matrices using a 23-day commercial United States truck transport model
Novel trailer types for transportation of pigs to slaughter
Self-administration of a Salmonella vaccine by domestic pigs
Effects of jute nesting material and enriched piglet mats on sow welfare and piglet survival
Effects of pen size, design, bedding, rooting material on cleanliness and air quality in fattening pig houses
Automated detection of behavioral changes associated with the post-weaning transition in pigs

Effects of farrowing hut design on maternal and thermoregulatory behavior in outdoor housed sows and piglets
Use of drinkers by finisher pigs depends on drinker location, pig age, time of day, stocking density and tail damage
Analysis of image-based sow activity patterns reveals associations with piglet survival and early growth
Impacts of evaporative pad cooling on finishing pig performance
The effect of lift crates on piglet survival rate and sow stress level during farrowing
Machine learning algorithms can predict tail biting outbreaks in pigs using feeding behaviour record