Abstracts - Facilities and equipment
Composting for the disposal of ASFV-infected swine carcasses
Impact of two commercial weaning and transport strategies on piglet behaviour, body weight change, lesions and lameness following transport
Effect of drinker type on water disappearance of nursery pigs
Refining the piglet grimace scale
Boot bath efficacy with wet and dry disinfectants for PEDV and PRRSV

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Illuminated vs. dark pens: Piglet preferences for lying, feeding and activity
Effect of farrowing pen size on pre-weaning performance of piglets
Characteristics of thermal images of the mammary gland and of performance in sows differing in health status and parity
Comparing three types of supplemental heat sources for piglets
Effect of phase feeding, space allowance and mixing on productive performance of grower-finisher pigs
Evidence of viral survival in feed and feed ingredients during long-distance commercial transport

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Evolution of NH3 concentrations in weaner pig buildings based on setpoint temperature
Classification of pig calls produced from birth to slaughter according to emotional valence and context of production
Improving the humification and phosphorus flow during swine manure composting
Effects of cooled floor pads and chilled drinking water on behavior and performance of lactating sows under heat stress
Sensing technology: Applications to the analysis of Iberian ham aroma
Effect of space allowance and mixing on growth performance and body lesions of grow-finish pigs

Distribution of African swine fever virus within a feed mill environment
More nipple cup drinkers on day of weaning affects piglet water access and aggression
Plastic-wrapped composting system for mortality disposal during animal disease outbreak
Using automatic pig feeding stations to estimate direct and social effects of feeding duration
Contactless video-based heart rate monitoring of a resting and an anesthetized pig
Effect of pen design on tail biting in finishing pigs with intact tails