Abstracts - Facilities and equipment
Modelling contamination of trucks used in the shipment of pigs infected with PRRS
Removal of gases from a swine barn
High environmental temperature around farrowing induced heat stress in crated sows
ATP bioluminescence a means for assessing trailer cleanliness
Effect of enriching the sow environment and diet during gestation on maternal stress and piglet survival

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Effect of hot temperature and drinker type on growth performance and water disappearance by growing-finishing pigs
Effect of pad cooling on summer barn environment and finishing pig temperature
Drinker position influences the cleanness of the lying area of pigs in a welfare-friendly housing facility
Low frequency aeration of pig slurry affects slurry characteristics and emissions of greenhouse gases and ammonia
Removal of hydrogen sulphide from pig house using biofilter with fungi
Multi-litter group lactation systems: effects on piglet aggression and injuries

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Effect of floor cooling on late lactation sows under acute heat stress
The behaviour and welfare of sows and piglets in farrowing crates or lactation pens
Behavioral preference for different enrichment objects in a commercial sow herd
Effect of environmental enrichment and herbal compound supplementation on physiological stress indicators in growing pigs
Evolutionary dynamics of influenza a viruses in US exhibition swine
Radiant heat increases piglets’ use of the heated creep area on the critical days after birth

Stocking density affects welfare indicators of growing pigs of different group sizes after regrouping
Evaluation of an electrostatic particle ionization technology for decreasing airborne pathogens in pigs
Floor slat openings impact ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions associated with group-housed gestating sows
Herd level risk factors for stomach ulcers in finishing pigs
Effectiveness and practicality of control strategies for African swine fever: what do we really know?
Indirect transmission and stability of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus on fomites