Feed commodities: Latest prices

Spain - Barcelona

Brazil - CEPEA

Corn CEPEA 26 Feb
87.18BRL60kg 0.6%
132.04BRL60kg 0.1%

Argentina - Rosario

200000ARSt 2.6%
214800ARSt 1.5%
219500ARSt 1.6%
322500ARSt 2.9%
817270ARSt 5.4%


817270ARSt 5.4%


248EURt 0.0%
Corn CEPEA 26 Feb
87.18BRL60kg 0.6%
200000ARSt 2.6%
214800ARSt 1.5%
219500ARSt 1.6%


132.04BRL60kg 0.1%
322500ARSt 2.9%

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