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Articles - Genetics and reproduction

Figure 1. With post-cervical insemination the semen is deposited in the uterine body, past the cervix.

Post-cervical insemination

For several years now, post-cervical insemination has become common on most pig farms. In this article we review with Javier Gil, a specialist in swine reproduction and artificial insemination, what to keep in mind in order to do this technique correctly.

Breed cards: Turopolje Pig (Turopoljska svinja)


Turopolje pig is a fatty-type pig breed created during the Middle Ages in Turopolje region in Central Croatia. Due to its modest demands, resilience and good adaptation to outdoor rearing, the Turopolje pig has been an important food source for the local population for centuries.

Breed cards: Sarda Pig


Sarda pig breed (a.k.a. Suino Sardo) is a local breed from Sardinia Island (Italy) with its ancestors dating back to to 2nd millennium BC.

Nero Siciliano sow. Source: OppidumNissenae

Breed cards: Nero Siciliano Pig


Origins of Nero Siciliano pig date to Carthaginian domination and its rearing, after a setback during the Arab period, was rather diffused throughout Sicily.

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Pig glossary

Definition for the most commonly used pig terms


Low farrowing rate troubleshooter

Why is my farrowing rate less than ideal? Use this tool to discover the potential causes. Navigate using the flowchart or use the buttons within the text to access the different parts of the tool.


The pig sector events all around the world


Pig prices

Germany13 Nov
China6 Nov
Spain 14 Nov

Breed cards: Moravka Pig


Moravka is a breed of combined production traits that was created as a result of unsystematic crossings of Šumadinka and Berkshire.

Types of gestation losses that can lower the farrowing rate, detailing the different types of returns to estrus based on when they occur.

Are there open sows?


If the farrowing rate is less than ideal, with a normal percent of returns to estrus and abortions, we must consider the open sows.

Breed cards: Mora Romagnola Pig


The Mora Romagnola is a breed of pig from Emilia-Romagna, in northern Italy. The name ‘Mora’ was codified in 1942 and is due to its colour, dark brown tending to black.

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Pig glossary

Definition for the most commonly used pig terms


Gilt replacement simulator

Tool that allows you to calculate the replacement rate in your farm


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