Abstracts - Genetics and reproduction
CRISPR to make a reduced-fat pig
Use of heterospermic inseminations in boar fertility
Influence of the inflammatory status of entire male pigs on their pubertal development and fat androstenone
Evaluation of producing and marketing entire male pigs
Outcomes of gestation length in relation to farrowing performance

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Factors for improving reproductive performance of sows and herd productivity in commercial breeding herds
The dependence of the growth rate and meat content of young boars on semen parameters and conception rate
Characterizing body temperature and activity changes at the onset of estrus in replacement gilts
Human chorionic gonadotrophin in early gestation improves sow fertility during summer
Using first and second parity number born alive information to estimate later reproductive performance in sows
Optimization of post-cervical artificial insemination in gilts: Effect of cervical relaxation procedures and catheter type

Effect of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on sperm capacitation and protein phosphorylation of boar spermatozoa
Litter-of-origin trait effects on gilt development
The effects of male and female immunocastration on meat quality of pigs intended for dry-cured ham
Relationships between ovulation rate and embryonic and placental characteristics in multiparous sows at 35 days of pregnancy
Effect of natural betaine on estimates of semen quality in mature AI boars during summer heat stress
Effects of zearalenone-diet in ovaries of post-weaning piglets

Essential fatty acid supplementation during lactation is required to maximize the subsequent reproductive performance of the modern sow
Coefficients of repeatability for colostrum and milk composition of PLW and PL sows over three consecutive lactations
Semen extenders on frozen-thawed boar sperm characteristics and distribution after deep intrauterine insemination in sows
Seasonal changes in concentration of steroid hormones in the spermatic cord vessels of the mature boar
Low birth weight affects lifetime productive performance and longevity of female swine
Uterine and placenta characteristics during early vascular development in the pig
