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Liquaderk 20 kgref: 2908
38.40+ iva

Liquaderk 20 Kg - Slurry blender

Obtains homogeneous, fluid and crust-free slurry. Reduces the possible development of pathogens.

Sanitizing power.

Prevents crust formation. Reduces sediment.

Eliminates unpleasant and harmful odors.

Products for manure Request a quote 333shop

Suitable for liquefying slurry. Suitable for cattle and pig slurry.

Natural mineral complex based on clays and additives.

Characteristics of Liquaderk

  • It obtains homogeneous, fluid and crust-free slurry.
  • Sanitizing power.
  • Prevents the formation of crusts.
  • Reduces the possible development of pathogens.
  • Reduces sediments.
  • Eliminates annoying and harmful odors.


Liquaderk 20 kgref: 2908
38.40+ iva

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