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Waterproof Portable Hydroponics pH/EC/TDS Meterref: 3595
306.10+ iva

Portable multiparameter Hanna pH/EC/TDS/Tª meter

Compact, lightweight, waterproof portable meter measures pH, conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and temperature with a single amplified probe.

Water resistant

Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)

Preamplified probe to protect pH measurements from electrical noise

Humidity/temperature probes Request a quote 333shop

All operations and adjustments, including calibration, are performed via two buttons. It also allows direct measurements in soil with a specific electrode.

  • Water resistant
  • Multiparameter probe with built-in temperature sensor.
  • Quick calibration of pH and conductivity at one point, with a single calibration solution
  • One or two pH points and one conductivity point in standard calibrations
  • Stability indicator for accurate data collection
  • Battery Error Prevention System
  • Battery indicator
  • Auto shut-off
  • Functions and help messages
Waterproof Portable Hydroponics pH/EC/TDS Meterref: 3595
306.10+ iva

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