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Renco Lean-Meaterref: 10
880.40+ iva

Renco back fat meter for pigs

Renco Series 12 Ultrasonic Fat Meter with pulse for measuring back fat depth. Using ultrasound, it measures the fat layers of pigs in millimetres. Robust product, prepared for work on the farm.

Easy to use. Fast and accurate.

With rechargeable battery

Digital display.

Backfat meters Request a quote 333shop

It shows the thickness of the total fat layer in millimetres. 


It allows us to make measurements in pigs, sheep, cattle, goats, etc.

The pulsations are reflected on the surface of the animal's tissue. The reflected pulses are processed electronically to determine the background of the second layer of fat.

The distance between this point and the tissue surface is calculated and then displayed digitally.

With rechargeable battery.


  • probe
  • with cable
  • charger
  • 25 mm test block.

Battery charge indicator, 15 hours are sufficient for a full charge. If there is not enough charge, it does not work, avoiding false readings.

Renco Lean-Meaterref: 10
880.40+ iva

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