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Vital Blue Simun animal bedding drying agent 1125Kg (45X25Kg)ref: 6742
916.80+ iva

Vital Blue Simun Animal Bedding Dehydrator

Sanitizer for pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, etc.
Bedding sanitizer Request a quote 333shop

It can be applied directly to the ground or to animal bedding (pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, etc.) in order to improve the animal's health and achieve greater environmental comfort.

Powder product formulated based on absorbent minerals and additives, with the ability to dry, sanitize and provide a pleasant aroma.

Composition of Vital Blue Simun:

Absorbent minerals and additives.

Nº Zoosanitary Registry:


Properties of Vital Blue Simun:

  • Absorbent
  • Sanitizing
  • Ammonium neutralizer
  • Flavoring
  • Repulsive
  • Healing
  • pH: 5.6
  • Absorption power: 82%
Vital Blue Simun animal bedding drying agent 1125Kg (45X25Kg)ref: 6742
916.80+ iva

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