Banco Sabadell


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Banco Sabadell is followed by 16 users
Xavier Salamó Agronomist Xavier Salamó Spain 16 Publications 387 Followers
ana sobreviela garcía Agronomist ana sobreviela garcía Spain 5 Followers
Miquel Crisol Veterinary practitioner/consultant Miquel Crisol Spain 54 Publications 398 Followers
Yusif Anciones Veterinary practitioner/consultant Yusif Anciones Spain 31 Followers Company Spain 49 Publications 346 Followers
Eduard Zamora User Eduard Zamora Spain 3 Followers
Pedro López Romero Education/research Pedro López Romero Spain 31 Followers
IFR Group Company IFR Group Spain 3 Publications 48 Followers
Hendrik Jan Muilenburg Agronomist Hendrik Jan Muilenburg Spain 3 Publications 47 Followers
Carlos  Gamiz Veterinary practitioner/consultant Carlos Gamiz Mexico 1 Followers
William  Gallon Pig producer William Gallon Colombia 1 Followers
joan Llovera Pig producer joan Llovera Spain
Liliana Felisa Moriconi Pig producer Liliana Felisa Moriconi Argentina 4 Followers
Ramon  Manubens User Ramon Manubens Spain
Francisco Fernández Simón User Francisco Fernández Simón Spain 1 Followers
Alfons Ruiz Rulduà User Alfons Ruiz Rulduà Spain 1 Publications 4 Followers

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