Are there open sows?
Do I have dead pregnant sows? What could be the cause?
The different sounds of cough
The ideal truck wash for cleaning and disinfecting livestock transport vehicles
What can we expect from the new ASF vaccine developed in China?
Biosecurity measures for farm workers against Pandemic SARS-CoV-2
What has changed about porcine circovirus epidemiology?
Challenges to obtaining the best hygiene in transport sanitation
20 years of porcine circovirus type 2: what has changed?
Clinical case: Iron toxicity in piglets
ASF challenges the industry to prioritize and execute on Biosecurity: field recommendations from experts
Raw Material Biosecurity
African swine fever virus: Reporting the disease in the field
How much ASF virus does it take to cause an infection through intake of water or feed?
Analyzing and modifying vehicle traffic patterns to improve external biosecurity
African Swine Fever clinical presentation in the field
African Swine Fever: Global swine professionals share experiences of this old-new friend
Biosecurity in load-ins and load-outs. Minimizing the unavoidable risk of animal movement
Biosecure entry for farm personnel. Preventing two-legged fomites
A picture is worth a thousand words (or more!) when it comes to farm biosecurity
Low cost, high impact biosecurity: well-defined clean and dirty zones
Is it possible to control the population of wild boar?
Clinical case: Overgrown claws and foot problems in sows
Clinical case: Diagnostic darkness: recurring fertility decline in summer
Farms combining high performance and low antimicrobial usage
Clinical case: Influenza type A outbreak in a minimal disease farm
When will a vaccine against ASF be available?
Clinical case: ASF on a Chinese pig farm
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