Danish Hybrid (LY/YL)

The cross-bred sow F1 (LY/YL) has a Danish Yorkshire and a Danish Landrace as parents.
Robust, long-lasting and efficient danish pure-breds;
and F1 cross-bred sows for slaughterpig production.
The Danish Hybrid F1 (LY/YL) sow is our cross between a Danish Yorkshire and a Danish Landrace. With great
genetics from both parents, we at Danish Genetics creates the most ideal sow for finisher production. Our customers who inseminate the Danish Hybrid with Danish Duroc semen will achieve the greatest production returns and effectiveness.
Great results for DLY Finishers
- Longevity: number of litters
- Low feed consumption
- Robust finishers
- High value carcass quality
F1 (LY/YL) with Great Mothering Abilities
- Fertility: number of piglets
- Easy to handle
- Uniformity in litter size and birthweight
- Viable piglets