PRODUMIX Produmix is specialized in the design of Nutritional Programs that optimize growth and digestive health of piglets. Established in 1991, the company has become as a global leader in the nutrition of early ages, thanks to the developm
Companies - Supplements
Companies that sell products that complement animal feed and are administered to meet the nutritional needs of animals in special situations.
Supplements > Subcategories
Anti-stress supplements2Companies
Mineral blocks2Companies
Nutritional supplements for breeding stock4Companies
Nutritional supplements for finishing5Companies
Nutritional supplements for piglets7Companies
Supplements > Companies
See products
At Kemin, curiosity has fueled our identity and innovation for over 63 years This approach shapes our products and services. It drives our commitment to sustainability and makes us your ideal partner for optimal animal nutrition and health. Bas

333shop EN
Online store specializing in pigs, farm products and veterinary products. Livestock store that offers: technical advice and service. It has more than 120 brands and manufacturers.

Ingaso Farm EN
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT is one of our main focuses. All our products are backed up by thousands of field tests and trials carried out in the farms. These trials are our weapon to choose the most effective combination of raw materials, additives a

Zinpro Corporation
We Help Animals and People Achieve Better Health and Wellbeing At Zinpro, that starts with providing exceptional nutrition with the best and most effective trace minerals. Then, it expands beyond that to address the bigger picture — with com

APC Europe
The APC story began in 1981 when scientists identified the powerful role functional proteins play in helping support and maintain normal immune function in piglets. Inspired by this discovery, we were first to initiate research on the benefits of pla

AB Neo
AB Neo is a new business specialising in switching on lifetime performance in neonate farm animals. AB Neo (a division of AB Agri Ltd) is founded on the growing understanding that neonates hold the key to switching on lifetime performance. By focusin

Alternative Swine Nutrition
Somos especialistas en nutrición de lechones. En el año 2014 fundamos nuestra empresa con un equipo directivo de profesionales con más de 40 años de experiencia en el sector. Atesoramos veteranía en la gestió
Supplements > products