
CReSA becomes member of the EPIZONE European Research Group

The goal of EPIZONE is playing a key role in research on prevention, detection and control of animal diseases of poultry, swine, fish, sheep, cattle, horses and wildlife.

13 November 2013


Over 300 scientists worldwide strive for the common EPIZONE goal: to improve, standardize, and develop (new) diagnostic methods; vaccines, intervention strategies; surveillance, epidemiology studies and risk analyses for better prevention and control of infectious animal diseases like foot and mouth disease, avian influenza, classical swine fever and arthropod borne (tick and midge) diseases such as bluetongue, Rift Valley fever, African swine fever, African horse sickness, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever or West Nile fever.

The official presentation of CReSA as a new EPIZONE member took place during the 7th EPIZONE Annual Meeting "Nothing permanent, except change" (Brussels, Belgium, 1-4 October 2013), and Dr. Fernando Rodríguez attended to the meeting in representation of CReSA.

More than 220 scientists from within and outside Europe (China, Russia, Canada, Turkey, Argentina, Australia and South Africa ...) participated in this meeting and CReSA presented three scientific contributions:

- One oral communication presented in the satellite NADIR meeting, given by Dr. Maria Montoya: Design of novel vaccines based on virus-like particles (VLPs) derived from calicivirus: multimeric presentation of epitopes

- Two posters:

  • Implementation of Diva Genetic Real-Time RT-PCR Assay Using a Lapinized Chinese Vaccine Of Classical Swine Fever Virus. Original work from the CReSA research line on Pathogenesis and profilaxis of Pestivirus infections, lead by Dr. Llilianne Ganges.
  • Clinical surveillance of equine West Nile fever, Spain. An international collaborative work participated by Dr. Ana Alba from the Veterinary epidemiology and risk analysis subprogram of CReSA


The EPIZONE annual meeting was preceded by the Young EPIZONE meeting, an ideal opportunity for around 40 young Researchers within EPIZONE to gain experience by presenting their current work in public. The Scientific program was finally closed with a meeting organized by EFSA and entitled: "Emerging animal diseases in the EU: what have we learned?”; coordinated by Simone Moore, Chair of EFSA Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) Panel, School of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin (see picture…).

The inclusion of CReSA in EPIZONE will facilitate incrementing its international presence, a fact that should be reflected in the participation of CReSA within the 8th EPIZONE meeting that will take place in Denmark next summer (2014).

November 13, 2013 - CReSA

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