
Mariano Domingo has been named manager of the Deputy Directorate for Research Projects

Last March 1st, 2013, Mariano Domingo Álvarez assumed the position of manager of the Deputy Directorate for Research Projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, in the area of Livestock, Aquaculture and Fishing.

25 March 2013

CReSALast March 1st, 2013, Mariano Domingo Álvarez assumed the position of manager of the Deputy Directorate for Research Projects of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, in the area of Livestock, Aquaculture and Fishing.

Professor Domingo teaches at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and works as a researcher at CReSA, UAB-IRTA (research center for animal health).

The main research lines developed up to date are based on different studies: pathogeny of murine listerosis, pathogeny and diagnosis of bovine and caprine tuberculosis, cetacean pathology, and pathogeny of viral porcine diseases, especially postweaning multisistemic syndrome (PMWS) and classical swine fever.

March 25, 2013 - CReSA/ Spain

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