
Ceva´s vaccine against pandemic swine Flu, RESPIPORC Flupan H1N1 given extra claim for sows

The extension of the claim to sows and gilts offers producers a significant economic benefit to further vaccination against flu strains.

18 January 2022

Influenza A virus (IAV) is a potential pathogen of zoonotic disease and causes worldwide economic losses in pig holdings. Since 2009, when Influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 virus, the so called “swine flu” was detected in humans, causing the first pandemic of the 21st century, the virus has spread to pig farms across the world, forcing health authorities to closely monitor IAVs potential to once again cross the species barrier.

These threats prompted Ceva to extend its Influenza vaccine portfolio, originally one vaccine covering the classical strains of H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 with the addition of a second vaccine (RESPIPORC FLUpan H1N1) against pandemic influenza in pigs, which was first licensed in 2017. Since that time, the detection of pandemic strains in the European pig population has been constantly increasing with changing infection dynamics on many farms.

Ceva’s support of the diagnosis of influenza in pig holdings has enabled it to introduce a Dynamic Swine Flu Map with quarterly updated strain info for the main pig producing countries in Europe. The service is free and can be accessed here.

Aside from the global health threat posed by the increasing spread of pandemic strains, a recent peer reviewed publication (doi: 10.1186/s40813-019-0141-x) demonstrated the negative impact of infections on sow reproduction. The extension of the claim to sows and gilts, therefore also offers producers a significant economic benefit to further vaccination against flu strains. In its assessment report, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) of the the European Medicines agency concluded that Respiporc FLUpan H1N1 “Can be used during pregnancy up to three weeks before expected farrowing and during lactation.”

January 17, 2022 - Ceva

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