IACA - Ass. Port. Ind. Alimentos Compostos Animais

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IACA - Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Alimentos Compostos para Animais. A IACA integra 43 empresas de alimentos compostos para animais que disponham, no seu conjunto, de 53 unidades fabris, mais 10 empresas fabricantes de pré-misturas e 5 comerciantes de aditivos, num total de 58 associados. As associadas têm um volume de negócios na ordem dos 1 568 milhões de euros.

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IACA - Ass. Port. Ind. Alimentos Compostos Animais is followed by 40 users
João Correia Veterinary practitioner/consultant João Correia Portugal 2 Followers
Isabel Cunha Machado Veterinary practitioner/consultant Isabel Cunha Machado Portugal 1 Followers
Carlos Paulos Veterinary practitioner/consultant Carlos Paulos Portugal 1 Followers
Davide  Vicente Pig producer Davide Vicente Portugal 1 Followers
MARCELO DE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA Veterinary practitioner/consultant MARCELO DE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA Brazil 14 Followers
VA Industria User VA Industria Portugal 7 Followers
Sara Mendes Agronomist Sara Mendes Portugal 1 Followers
Carnes Labruge Meat industry Carnes Labruge Portugal 10 Followers
Eliano Maria Agronomist Eliano Maria Portugal 2 Followers
Pedro Pessa Santos - VetAnçã-C Lda Veterinary practitioner/consultant Pedro Pessa Santos - VetAnçã-C Lda Portugal 1 Followers
Marcio Carreira Pig producer Marcio Carreira Portugal 1 Followers
Flávio Raposo Esteves Student Flávio Raposo Esteves Portugal 1 Followers
Eugénia Morgado Agronomist Eugénia Morgado Portugal 1 Followers
Francisco Edson Gomes Veterinary practitioner/consultant Francisco Edson Gomes Brazil 3 Followers
Ricardo  Raposo Agronomist Ricardo Raposo Portugal 3 Followers
cesar Francisco Education/research cesar Francisco Portugal 1 Followers
TNA, S.A. Company TNA, S.A. Portugal 62 Followers
Daniela Ribeiro Agronomist Daniela Ribeiro Portugal 5 Followers
Dora Rocha Veterinary practitioner/consultant Dora Rocha Portugal 1 Followers
Werden Corrente Agronomist Werden Corrente Brazil 2 Followers
Mafalda  Mendes Agronomist Mafalda Mendes Portugal 1 Followers
José  Falé Meat industry José Falé Portugal 1 Followers
Pedro  MS Lopes Veterinary practitioner/consultant Pedro MS Lopes Portugal 2 Followers
Cacio Costa Veterinary practitioner/consultant Cacio Costa Brazil 4 Followers
Adelino  Miguel Veterinary practitioner/consultant Adelino Miguel Angola 1 Followers
Ana Magalhães Ferreira Agronomist Ana Magalhães Ferreira Portugal 1 Followers
António  Ribeiro Pig producer António Ribeiro Portugal
Luís Filipe Pires User Luís Filipe Pires Portugal
José  mairton Student José mairton Portugal 1 Followers
negra agua Agronomist negra agua Cape Verde 1 Followers
Andre Correia User Andre Correia Portugal 1 Followers
Sergio Martinho User Sergio Martinho Portugal 1 Followers


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