
New partnership will see establishment of UK’s first Swedish Hampshire nucleus herd

A new partnership between JSR Genetics and Swedish processors HKScan will see the establishment of a Hampshire nucleus herd in the UK, meaning future supplies of boars and semen from this exceptional terminal sire are secure.

22 May 2013

JSRA new partnership between JSR Genetics and Swedish processors HKScan will see the establishment of a Hampshire nucleus herd in the UK, meaning future supplies of boars and semen from this exceptional terminal sire are secure.

The move follows HKScan’s buy-out of previous supplier Nordic Genetics.

For more than seven years JSR has supplied Cranswick plc with the Swedish genes for specific production of premium products for Sainsbury’s Taste the Difference fresh pork range. This uses a particular variant of the world renowned Swedish Hampshire.

Managing Director of JSR Genetics Dr. Grant Walling feels the new association is an exciting step forward for JSR.

He said: “The partnership agreement secures long term access to the Swedish Hampshire population for JSR Genetics and their customers.

Thomas-Perkio-v2“We have developed a close working relationship with HKScan who already have many successful supply chain relationships across Europe. We are delighted with this new arrangement and the opportunity to bring our core skills in genetics to a business with first-rate knowledge of the processing sector.

“The relocation of a Hampshire nucleus herd to the UK provides long term security and stability to the supply base. In addition there are many other exciting opportunities to collaborate between the two businesses with this partnership.”

Strategic Director of HKScan, Thomas Perkiö is equally optimistic: “Healthy animals that grow well and offer fantastic meat eating quality mean we have been able to attract an international partner like JSR,” he said. “With their expert input we can move forward and continue our development of Hampshire genetics.”

HampshireFor over forty years, intensive breeding work using Swedish Hampshire genetics has created a product that has been confirmed by both the Danish Meat Research Institute (DMRI) and the JSR Food Quality Centre as far more tender and juicy than other pork, and this superior quality is linked directly to a gene variant present only in the Swedish Hampshire population.

This partnership will ensure long term exclusivity of the specific Swedish Hampshire genetics to the UK market and will give consumers increased access to the high-quality meat associated with this sire line. JSR will manage the genetic improvement programs across all sites both in the UK and in Sweden.

JSR’s UK sales director Giles Christie agrees. He said: “Securing access to one of the most successful boars we have ever worked with in the UK market is great news for our UK customers”.

May 16, 2013 - JSR

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