
Kelly Coulson Joins Merck Animal Health’s Food Animal Marketing Team

Merck Animal Health is pleased to announce that Kelly Coulson has joined the company as Swine Marketing Manager, U.S. Food Animal Marketing.

26 October 2016

merck_ah.gifMerck Animal Health is pleased to announce that Kelly Coulson has joined the company as Swine Marketing Manager, U.S. Food Animal Marketing. With nearly two decades of sales and retail experience and 15 years of diverse livestock production knowledge, Kelly brings an extensive background in solution selling, husbandry training and customer service.

“Given his industry knowledge and strong ability to build and sustain relationships, we are confident Kelly will be a strong asset to our team and be able to make immediate contributions to our business,” said Todd Firkins, Executive Director, U.S. Food Animal Marketing, Merck Animal Health. “In this role, Kelly will help us shape and drive our swine marketing strategies, as well as help lead our efforts to make Merck Animal Health our customers’ first call for business solutions – creating value for them well beyond our science and products.”

Kelly, who joins us from Zoetis, most recently served as a territory business manager for the company’s pork business. He also has considerable experience educating and training producers and caregivers about early disease recognition and intervention, treatment protocols and responsible use of antibiotics.

“I am truly excited to be joining Merck Animal Health,” Coulson said. “There are many changes occurring in the swine industry – and with change comes opportunities. I am looking forward to working with a great team of professionals as we navigate these changes and find ways to differentiate Merck Animal Health, our people and our products."

A graduate of Kansas State University, Kelly holds numerous industry certifications

October 25, 2016 - Merck

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