MSD Animal Health launches the "E-diagnostics" application in Latin America, it is a support guide for the diagnosis of swine diseases, with therapeutic and / or prophylactic measures, in addition recommendations for biosecurity. Its use is purely for consultation and should only be used as an indicative guide, which will promote the training of people in the field to have better surveillance of swine health. To access this application, you must enter the website to create an account. Subsequently, the user will be able to consult a list of all the diseases that affect pigs, with a precise and detailed description of them. You can also download the application directly to a smartphone, which will be available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese for iOs and Android systems.
"E-diagnostics" will not replace any basic element necessary in the diagnosis process, it will be a support tool for producers, practitioners, Veterinary Doctors and other professionals in the swine sector during disease evaluation.

To use the "E-diagnostics" application, the user must select the age and the most relevant signs observed in order for the tool to take them through different assessment conditions, with a description of each probable disease. It is an encyclopedia of pathologies, it is a source of information with a great variety of images of injuries and symptoms of diseases in pigs.
Likewise, "E-diagnostics" has sections that allow filtering options such as age, observed symptoms and mortality, to obtain a conclusion with various possible diagnoses of diseases present on the farm. In the ‘Farm report’ section, the user will be able to geolocate, save and manage their farms or the ones they have visited in order to create a detailed report.
Paulo José Moraes, Director of Pig Farming Marketing for Latin America at MSD Animal Health, explained that, by writing down the farm data and the date of the visit, “the user will be able to enter the observed data and symptoms of the evaluated group in addition to attaching photos. With this information, you will obtain a report with a referential evaluation compatible with a wide variety of diseases in pigs, which will serve as a guide for decision-making, as well as helping in the monitoring and history of livestock ”.
This application is property of 333 Corporate and has been developed with the exclusive sponsorship of MSD Global.
Use this link to register for and enter the launch event on February 10.
February 4, 2021 - MSD Animal Health