MSD Animal Health, a division of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, N.J., USA, today announced the presentation of more than 40 abstracts at the 25th International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) congress, highlighting new research across the company’s broad range of swine vaccines and services. Six abstracts were selected for oral presentation, which explore a new tool to evaluate biosecurity, performance of E. coli vaccines in the field, patterns of parainfluenza virus on a U.S. farm, slaughterchecks to evaluate M. hyopneumoniae status in China and a comparative PRRS vaccine study. IPVS 2018 was held in Chongqing, China from June 11-14, 2018.
“As a research-driven company, our top priority is to provide the swine community with research and innovative solutions to help improve the health, well-being and performance of their herds. The breadth of data presented at IPVS 2018 across our diverse swine portfolio and non-product related subjects further serves to reinforce this committment,” said Rika Jolie, DVM, Ph.D., MBA, Global Marketing Director, Swine at MSD Animal Health.

MSD Animal Health invites attendees to discover The IDAL® Way at the company’s interactive booth, where they can learn about the latest needle-free vaccination and intradermal vaccines and how to use the new IDAL® 3G device, as well as an MSD Animal Health swine portfolio exhibit.
Select abstracts of interest include:
Oral Abstract #VIII-5-058: Protective efficacy of commercial PRRS MLV against dual challenge with Type 1 and highly pathogenic PRRS isolates in experimental pigs (Presenter: A. Madapong)
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) can have a devasting impact on pig production, and the single-strand RNA structure of the PRRS virus has made it a challenge to address. This study evaluated the protective efficacy of PRRS MLV vaccines against Type 1 and highly pathogenic PRRS isolates to determine which vaccines should be used. All PRRS MLV vaccines studied reduced viremia, lung lesions and PRRSV-antigens in lung tissues after challenge with PRRSV isolates. Authors found that regardlelss of vaccine genotype, vaccination provided partial cross-protection and can be used.
Oral Abstract #II-058: Assessment of antibody response and efficacy of vaccines against neonatal diarrhea by E. coli (Presenter: H. Lin)
Neonatal E. coli enteritis can result in both mortality and curative treatments. In this study, gilts were randomly vaccinated with either Porcilis® ColiClos, vaccine N (+F41 ag) and vaccine E (+F18 ag) to compare antigen seroconversion. While all vaccines induced increased antibody titers against the measured antigens, Porcilis® ColiClos induced significantly higher F6 (987P) and F5 (K99) titers than vaccines N and E (P<0.05), and numerically higher titers for the other antigens with the exception of F4ac (K88ac) (for vaccine E). Porcilis® ColiClos-vaccinated gilts also had better general health, appetite and faecal consistency scores and a lower litter treatment percentage.
Oral Abstract #II-057: Comparative study to evaluate immunity induced by E. coli-Clostridium vaccines (Presenter: H. Lin)
Colostrum immunoglobins are a source of protection against microbial infections and confer passive immunity to the piglets until they have a mature immune system. This study found that Porcilis® ColiClos induced higher titers against every E. coli antigen compared to a competitor vaccine with the same indication in sow vaccinated prior to farrowing. Feed intake was also not impacted and no other post-vaccination adverse reactions were observed following vaccination.
Oral Abstract #VIII-6-004: B-eSecure: electronic system to measure and improve biosecurity on pig farms (Presenter: M. Collell)
This collaborative pilot project with PigChamp EU implemented the use of B-eSecure, an electronic system to track movements of people in farms and visualize the effects of biosecurity improvement on health and production results, in two Dutch farms. Biosecurity procedures impact diseases such as PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome), but applying and following biosecurity rules is often difficult. However, the study found that linking the program with motivating PRRSv (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus) prevalence data and production results helps to reach and maintain a high level of biosecurity.
Oral Abstract #II-009: Current status of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in Chinese swine herds as determinded by lung scoring at slaughter (Presenter: Di Gao)
The purpose of this study was to evalutate the prevalence Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo) and the severity of lung lesions in Chinese pig farms by performing MADEC scoring at slaughter. While the study found that prevalence was very high in Chinese pig herds, lung lesion severity differed based on the region. Most farms vaccinated to prevent H. hyo, which significantly reduced lung lesion scores at slaughter. Further, two dose vaccines performed better than one dose vaccines or antibiotics.
Oral Abstract #I-084: Dynamics of porcine parainfluenza virus shedding in sows and their piglets (Presenter: B. Thacker)

Porcine parainfluenza virus (PPIV) is becoming more prevalent on commericial farms and is a suspected contributor to the procine respiratory disease complex, but there is minimal data available regarding clinical signs, shedding, etc. The primary objective of this study was to characterize the shedding patterns of PPIV1 in sows and suckling and weaned pigs. In the study, no sows tested positive for PPIV1. The ideal PPIV1 sampling time was 3-5 weeks of age for pigs and pigs with lower CT scores had higher rectal temperatures, suggesting that increase viral loads had higher risk of fever. In addition, nasal swabs achieved lower PCR CTs compared to oropharyngeal swabs.
June 13, 2018 – MSD Animal Health