Quality Animal Nutrition, Feed Supplements and Animal Care Bacvir Animal Safety excels in advancing porcine health and performance, with specialized focus on breeding animals, fattening pigs, and piglets. Our solutions are crafted to enhance repro
Animal health9Companies
Animal identification3Companies
Artificial insemination (AI)3Companies
Carcasses management3Companies
Clothing and PPE3Companies
Environmental control3Companies
Facilities and equipment6Companies
Meat industry1Companies
Pest control2Companies
Slurry management2Companies

The pig sector faces a number of challenges to ensure the technical, economic and environmental performance of pig farmers, while meeting society's expectations in terms of animal welfare. This performance requires innovative, reliable and susta

WelFarmers project, included in the Horizon Europe Program, has officially started. Since 1st January 2024 and for three years, pig farmers, research centers and higher education institutions will be working togeth-er in the EU-funded project ‘

DanBred is one of the world’s leading international pig breeding companies. We aim to be the preferred supplier of world-class genetic products and practical support solutions for professional pig producers worldwide. For more than 120 year

Partnering in microbial solutions for a changing world Using sound science, proven results and knowledge from experience, Lallemand Animal Nutrition helps our customers and industry partners be more successful – and animals lead healthier liv

ECO Animal Health
ECO Animal Health is a British company with a global presence, focused on providing solutions to economically important respiratory and enteric diseases in pigs and poultry. Our products and knowledge improve the health and welfare of pigs and poultr

European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB)
EFFAB (European Forum for Animal Breeding) represents the sector of animal breeding and reproduction in Europe. From ruminants to insects, we aim at genetically improving various farm animal species, to better meet the challenges of sustainability an

BASF provides innovative, high performance, sustainable solutions for pest management professionals, farmers, business operators and facilities managers.

We at SKIOLD see it as our responsibility to provide customers with innovative equipment for the entire value chain from field to livestock. We deliver complete pig farm solutions designed for optimized work flow throughout the farm, complete overvie