The Farm

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The Farm es la primera agencia de comunicación dedicada exclusivamente al sector porcino y agroalimentario. Revolucionamos la forma en la que la industria se comunica. Nos dedicamos al marketing agroalimentario y nuestra misión es transformar el sector.

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The Farm is followed by 13 users
liduvina  sarcos Veterinary practitioner/consultant liduvina sarcos Venezuela 3 Followers
Rodrigo Esteban Serey Gallardo Veterinary practitioner/consultant Rodrigo Esteban Serey Gallardo Chile 5 Followers
KUBUS LAB, S.A. Company KUBUS LAB, S.A. Spain 63 Publications 445 Followers
Sandra  Molano User Sandra Molano Colombia 13 Followers
Andrés Castro User Andrés Castro Colombia 4 Publications 59 Followers
Francela Piedrahita Agronomist Francela Piedrahita Colombia 1 Followers
AB Neo Company AB Neo Spain 38 Publications 203 Followers
Guayacán Juan Felipe User Guayacán Juan Felipe Colombia
Albert Soler User Albert Soler Spain 24 Followers
Alexis  Romero Lopez Student Alexis Romero Lopez Mexico
Jesús Hernández Meat industry Jesús Hernández Mexico
Alexa Avelar User Alexa Avelar Mexico
Cruz Yamely Román federico Student Cruz Yamely Román federico Mexico


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