
Tonisity launches Tonisity PxM® - its third generation solution for swine producers

Isotonic milk replacer additive helps piglets overcome key productivity hurdles.

23 November 2022

Tonisity International Limited (“Tonisity”), an animal health and nutrition company based in Ireland, is pleased to announce that it has launched Tonisity PxM (PxM) – an isotonic milk replacer additive that helps piglets overcome key productivity hurdles. PxM is Tonisity’s third product of its unique isotonic drink range for the enhancement of swine production.

About Tonisity PxM

Tonisity PxM is a bioactive pack specifically formulated to be mixed with milk replacers, which are widely used in farrowing houses to supplement the sows’ milk. PxM includes Tonisity’s gut-enhancing bioactives in a milk replacer compatible formula and will be highly complementary to Tonisity’s existing swine products, Tonisity Px® and Tonisity PxW®, which are focused on the farrowing and weaning stages of the lives of piglets.

Administering PxM on farms is very straightforward – as it is simply mixed with milk replacers in existing delivery systems on the farms. Tonisity PxM is flexible since it is designed to match the milk replacer administration schedule of the farm. Only 0.5% of PxM is required to be added to the liquid milk replacer.

In a recent trial at a 400-sow farm in Eastern Europe, Tonisity PxM was administered over a period of 17 days and resulted in a 51% reduction in pre-weaning mortality, with +36 extra piglets gained per 1,000 born. Further, the pigs gained 220 grams of extra weaning weight , giving the farm an 11:1 return on investment.

Tonisity PxM was launched at the EuroTier trade fair in Hanover, Germany on November 15th. EuroTier is the leading international trade fair for professional animal farming and livestock management. Tonisity is expecting to begin selling Tonisity PxM to its customers that use milk replacers in December 2022.

Mathieu Cortyl, Managing Director for Tonisity International, comments, “With the ongoing challenges of pig production worldwide, it is clear that litters need additional nutrition. Tonisity PxM is an innovative solution that is easy to use, results in important production gains and will produce significant returns on investment for customers. We are proud to be adding another cutting-edge product to our suite of isotonic swine products.”

Mihai Condu, manager at the Agromar farm in Romania, and who conducted the PxM evaluation, comments, “We were delighted to hear about Tonisity PxM and asked to test it immediately. We simply mixed it in the milk replacer, and the well-known benefits of Tonisity’s bioactives were quick to appear. The piglets drank the milk replacer better and were more active. Pre-weaning mortality halved, and we weaned heavier, more uniform pigs. With Tonisity PxM, we are able to provide additional support to the intestine of these young piglets. As a result, we have more, better quality and healthier pigs for sale. This is the biggest improvement our team has ever seen.”

Tonisity’s suite of gut-enhancing products improve pigs’ survival, especially during their first month of life, in which up to 15% of piglets die mainly due to a lack of nutrition and gut health issues. The increased survivability of piglets, together with better performance pre- and post-weaning, enables producers to sell their pigs into the market with return of investments that can reach 5-10x. These benefits are especially important in an age of African swine fever and increased labour and feed cost inputs.

November 21, 2022 - Tonisity

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