United Council of Ukrainian Pork Producers and Processors

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UCUPPP is the National Council for collective protection of interests, promotion of Ukrainian pork in the global market.

Founded in 2025 by the Ukrainian meat processors & pig farmers.

The organization serves the interests of its industry members: producers, processing plants, trading companies associated members, and other key industries and government organizations to promote Ukrainian pork at home and around the world.

UCUPPP has local and international experts in different offices in Europe, the USA, Asia, and Africa to improve access, awareness, and growth of the Ukrainian pork industry.

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United Council of Ukrainian Pork Producers and Processors is followed by 10 users
Miquel Crisol Veterinary practitioner/consultant Miquel Crisol Spain 66 Publications 430 Followers
Larra Romabon Veterinary practitioner/consultant Larra Romabon Philippines 2 Followers
DAVI LIOU User DAVI LIOU China 138 Publications 16 Followers
Андрій Бузун Education/research Андрій Бузун Ukraine
Sofiia Mr. User Sofiia Mr. Ukraine
Sylvie Carriat Agronomist Sylvie Carriat France 1 Followers
Mykola Babenko Pig producer Mykola Babenko Ukraine
Illia Kovtun Pig producer Illia Kovtun Ukraine
Sandra Raubaite Meat industry Sandra Raubaite Lithuania
R J Student R J South Korea

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