WelFarmersCompany - France20-May-2024
The Welfarmers project was presented in Portugal, during the XXVINational Pig Fair.

Taking advantage of the presence of partners FPAS, UTAD and 333 at theevent, Portuguese pig farmers were able to learn more about the thematic areasof the project, which will identify the best European practices in the area ofpig animal welfare.

As project coordinator and organizer of the XXVI National Pig Fair, FPASdiscussed with its members the issues related to the ban of cages, the end oftail docking, castration, space allowance and type of flooring.

Representing Welfarmers were António Tavares, the FPAS generalsecretary, João Bastos represented FPAS, Divanildo Monteiro represented UTAD, and Luís Dias was the representative of 333.
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