Wild boar repellents

(6 products)

Wild boar repellent.

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Jabalex 5 Kg Wild boar repellent

Jabalex 5 Kg Wild boar repellent 333shop

Product of 333shop EN

Attractant for wild boars that repel them. They eat it, find it unpleasant and move away from the treated area, without returning.

Jabalex 10 Kg Wild boar repellent

Jabalex 10 Kg Wild boar repellent 333shop

Product of 333shop EN

Granulated product that attracts wild boars, who eat it, find it unpleasant in taste and move away from the treated area, without returning.

Jabalex 2 Kg Wild boar repellent

Jabalex 2 Kg Wild boar repellent 333shop

Product of 333shop EN

It is attractive to wild boars, who eat it, find it unpleasant in taste and move away from the treated area, without returning.

Wolf urine to scare wild boars 1 L

Wolf urine to scare wild boars 1 L 333shop

Product of 333shop EN

The wild boar's instinct when it smells wolf urine prevents it from approaching. The wild boar runs away to feel safe.

Wolf urine repellent for wild boars 1 L

Wolf urine repellent for wild boars 1 L 333shop

Product of 333shop EN

It scares away animals by preventing them from approaching due to the animal's instinct to smell. Animals flee to feel safe.

Kunagone Wild boar repellent

Kunagone Wild boar repellent 333shop

Product of 333shop EN

Proven repellent against wild boars and other animals. Simply apply it where the presence of wild boars, squirrels or foxes is not desirable, and the opening of the bag will create an invisible protective barrier.

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