Novistar® ensures long-term sperm viability with advanced pH buffering, antioxidants, and membrane protectors. Its synthetic, animal protein-free formula offers superior biosecurity and heat stress protection while maintaining high fertility. Produced under GMP-certified conditions, Novistar® delivers top quality at a budget-friendly cost.
Semen extenders
Semen extenders for artificial insemination
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Androstar® Plus, long-term boar semen extender
Androstar® Plus provides unparalleled protection for sperm when exposed to temperature fluctuations, physical stress, and long-term storage. High stress resistance of the semen leads to more homogeneous insemination results.

ANDROSTAR PLUS 47 g / 100 L - Long-lasting semen extender 333shop
With third generation antibiotics.

ANDROSTAR PLUS 47 g / 5 L - Long-lasting semen extender 333shop
Diluent for long-term preservation of boar semen. Therefore, cells are less susceptible to damage due to sub-optimal storage conditions.

ANDROSTAR PLUS 47 g / 1 L - Long-lasting semen extender 333shop
Diluent for boar semen with a combination of effective antibiotics.

Semen dilution and dispensing bag 5.5 L 100 units per pack 333shop
Semen dilution and dispensing bag, 5.5 L, 100/pack