Robus Zen, a natural solution that limits the negative effects of stress
Feed, feed ingredients, additives, and nutritional supplements for animal feed
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Guty, a natural feed efficiency, more consumption for heavier piglets in postweaning

Aleta™ 1-modulates the immune system, adjusting the immune response to the desired level. 2-It helps create an immune system ready to cope with and destroy any dangerous pathogen. 3-Immune cells are rapidly activated at the site of infection and so enhance the ability of animals to cope with disease.

CLOSTAT contains spores of Bacillus sp. PB6 (ATCC PTA-6737, patented by Kemin) and is effective in promoting a healthy microbiome and reducing the risks caused by enteric infections. Indications prevention and cure of diarrhea and dysbiosis For recovery after antibiotic treatment antibiotic reduction programs Management of enteritis symptoms

Using our MicroPEARLS™ technology we have developed ButiPEARL™. ButiPEARL is a microencapsulated, highly concentrated source of butyrate designed for superior ease of handling and sustained release along the GIT. ButiPEARL™ promotes enterocyte proliferation, villi growth and tight junction reinforcement

FormaXOL, an effective, non-antibiotic solution for Enterobacteriaceae control within the intestinal tract. FormaXOL uses encapsulation technology, together with the synergism of two main ingredients — functional flavors and organic acids — to cripple pathogenic gram-negative bacteria.

Bactan is proven to reduce diarrhoea in pigs, enhancing animal performance and cutting antibiotic use — an ideal choice for Veterinarians and Production Managers alike.

Our TOXFIN range offers various possibilities for suppressing the bioavailability of mycotoxins and mitigating their negative effects — resulting in the production of safe feed.

Liquitein Swine APF Liquid protein and extra energy for pigs 333shop
Helps with early weaning, vaccination processes and other stressful situations.

Neoboost booster for piglets 333shop
Rapidly available energy and an appetite stimulant. A treatment with Neoboost provides the piglet with sufficient energy and hunger.

Antidiarrheal for piglets Suiferm plus SID 333shop
Dietary food supplement for piglets

Robuststart against neonatal diarrhea in piglets 333shop
Paste for the treatment of neonatal or non-specific diarrhea in piglets. Respects intestinal flora and function.

QUIET PIG FATTENING & PREGNANCY enrichment material for fattening and gestation 333shop
Edible enrichment material for fattening pigs and gestating sows.

QUIET PIG FATTAN fattening enrichment material 333shop
Mineral block intended for fattening pigs and pregnant sows to prevent tail biting.