SHIC Funds Nine Plan of Work Projects to Advance Emerging Disease Mission
The Swine Health Information Center recently funded nine new projects addressing research priorities and topics published in its 2024 Plan of Work.
The Swine Health Information Center recently funded nine new projects addressing research priorities and topics published in its 2024 Plan of Work.
The global launch of “SoundTalks® powered by FARMERATM” will take place on September 9 in Bologna. This innovative solution enables you to identify trends and patterns at system level and to continuously improve your production system performance 24/7.
Seth Krantz, DVM, Tosh Farms, and Jay Miller, DVM, The Maschhoffs, began their terms.
Having a federally approved JEV test ready would help mitigate the damage of a possible outbreak.
One of the largest swine veterinarian events for the global pig industry will take place from June 11–14 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
Dr Emmanuelle Soubeyran officially takes up her position as the new Director General for a five-year tenure from 2024.
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More than 60 participants from 28 countries attended the African swine fever workshop.
More than $2.6 million in new grants are helping Waithaka Mwangi, professor of immunology, develop and validate a vaccine for the deadly African Swine Fever Virus, which threatens U.S. pork producers.
From 4th to 7th June 2024, 2,700 veterinarians from 65 countries gathered at the Leipzig Trade Fair for IPVS & ESPHM 2024 to exchange ideas on ground-breaking topics in swine health. For the first time in eight years, the two most internationally renowned congresses for swine veterinary medicine, the International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress and the European Symposium for Porcine Health Management (ESPHM), were held together at one location.
Dr. Matt Allerson of Holden Farms will receive the 2024 Science in Practice award at the Leman Swine Conference in September.
The goal of the webinar was to understand the threat HPAI H5N1 poses to domestic livestock species and to inform producers of actions that can be taken to prevent infection on-farm.
Dr. Waithaka Mwangi, immunology professor in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology, College of Veterinary at K-State, is developing and validating a vaccine to protect pigs from the virus.
This transaction is expected to be complete in the second half of calendar year 2024.
For pioneering studies on Influenza A Viruses in swine, Amy L. Baker is the agency's Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of the Year for 2024.
One Health champion Dr Simon Doherty is recognised as “Veterinarian of the Year 2024” of the WVA Global Veterinary Awards supported by Ceva Santé Animale.
The event brought together producers and technicians from different Asian countries with the aim of keeping them updated on the latest advances and improving their knowledge on PRRS control and the current situation of the Asian swine market.
The tool is a 5-question public health protocol for stakeholders who are preparing for, participating in, and recovering from animal depopulation.
The World Veterinary Association (WVA) and Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva) are pleased to announce the winner of the Veterinary Education category in the forthcoming WVA Global Veterinary Awards, as Professor Dato’ Dr. Azmi Lila based in Malaysia.
A global scientific consortium which set out to control two major livestock virus epidemics in Europe is celebrating five years of research findings.
The newly developed novel RT-rtPCR assay is more specific than previously published assays and can detect all five JEV genotypes accurately and efficiently.
Yuri Calvo from Brazil is the winner of the Student of the Year category of the WVA Global Veterinary Awards.
The theme this year, “Leading AASV into the Future”, emphasized the importance of acknowledging and embracing an AASV members’ role in the future of swine production and provision of food for the world.
Dr. Angela Baysinger was installed as president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.