ASF Germany: Restrictions to be lifted for agriculture and forest land
Agricultural and forestry areas must first be completely searched for dead or infected wild boars by officials or authorized persons.
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
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Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
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Agricultural and forestry areas must first be completely searched for dead or infected wild boars by officials or authorized persons.
This will be the first laboratory facility in the U.S. to provide BSL-4 laboratories capable of housing cattle and other large livestock, and will eventually replace the Plum Island Animal Disease Center.
The modern animal disease laboratory will ultimately help protect the livestock industries in Central Luzon from diseases like ASF and FMD.
The 261 pig farms left empty due to African swine fever can now be gradually restocked.
One of the recently detected ASF outbreaks is located near Kalisz, a region where there was previously no need for ASF zoning.
On Friday, 6 new cases were confirmed, raising the total, so far, to 13 positive cases.
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Sign upAlready a member?A new case of ASF has been confirmed in a wild board in Neuzelle, bringing the total to 7 confirmed cases so far in Germany.
What is causing the increasing shortage of veterinarians in rural and remote areas in Europe? FVE surveyed 28 countries.
An African swine fever pre-emptive zoning arrangement has been formalized between Australia and its largest export market, Singapore.
The tripartite statement on the pandemic risk of swine influenza calls for surveillance and data sharing.
It is a wild boar found dead in Brandenburg, specifically in the Spree-Neisse district.
Infected, surveillance, and buffer zones have been established along with restriction measures for each zone.There are 18 farms in the core and surveillance zones.
States and regions have met requirements such as improving official veterinary services and implementing a structured program to maintain a disease-free status.
The International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) has published its scientific opinion: “ICMSF opinion on SARS-CoV-2 and its relationship to food safety”.
The working group, North American Swine Health, was created by health authorities from Mexico, the United States, and Canada, in collaboration with the meat industry in each of the countries.
The aim is for veterinarians and producers to properly administer medications to both terrestrial and aquatic animals for consumption.
In about a week, eight more ASF outbreaks have occurred in the country. One of the outbreaks affected 6,000 pigs.
Use of 3rd and 4th generation fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins are at the lowest level since 2011.
EFSA has begun a major campaign to raise awareness and help halt the spread of African swine fever in south-east Europe.
The number of ASF outbreaks for the year has doubled in August, with the Lublin Voivodeship especially affected.
The Colombian Agriculture Institute (ICA) has declared 15 departments free of Aujeszky's disease.