Swine news - Pig health
Russia deemed free from FMD without vaccination by the OIE
ASF Italy: Sardinia going on 14 months without positive cases
New official disease status and control program recognized by the OIE
Countries achieve new disease statuses for classical swine fever and foot and mouth disease, declared by the OIE.
Poland: Fourth ASF outbreak this year confirmed, first on backyard in the west
Taiwan declared free from foot and mouth disease
The World Organization for Animal Health recognizes Taiwan as free from foot and mouth disease.

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Colombia declares first zone free of Aujeszky's disease
Infographics on categorization of antimicrobials
This advice will be the basis of the future list of antimicrobials reserved for humans.
Ireland: Public consultation on EU Regulation on veterinary medicinal products
Estonia is working to achieve ASF-free status in wild boar
After being declared free of ASF in domestic pigs by the OIE, Estonia is now seeking the same status for wild boar, from the European Commission, which would allow for pig and pork trade again.
US and Vietnam collaborate to better understand and control ASF
China strengthens tracking of hog transport to control animal disease

African Swine Fever
EU: New animal health regulations
The OJEU has published seven new regulations concerning the Animal Health Law.
Colombia: Control of classical swine fever in miniature pigs
COVID-19, farm animals and companion animals: Questions and answers
The Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) of the European Commission has published a new document with questions and answers about COVID-19, focusing on domestic and farm animals.
The United States updates its ASF Response Plan
The Red Book is a comprehensive response plan for the United States in the event of an ASF incursion in the country, which includes updates from previous versions.
General situation of ASF in Asia and the Pacific
How many outbreaks have been reported and how many are still ongoing? An overview of the current African swine fever situation in Asian and Pacific countries.
India confirms 11 ASF outbreaks in two states
India reported outbreaks of ASF in the states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

France closes a slaughterhouse due to employees with COVID-19
To date, there are 34 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a slaughterhouse in Fleury les Aubrais. The company will be closed temporarily by a prefectoral order.
ASF Belgium: movement restrictions lifted for forests
A new decree will come into effect on May 15, authorizing the movement of walkers and cyclists in ASF-infected areas of the forest.
French veterinarians authorized to use telemedicine
Unlike human medicine, veterinary medicine has not previously had a regulatory framework that would allow telemedicine practices.
New bacterium discovered that causes lung lesions
A previously unrecognized bacterium that causes signs of lung disease found in pig carcasses has now been named.
Germany closes several slaughterhouses due to COVID-19
Vion and Westfleisch have had to temporarily close some of their plants due to COVID-19 infecting their employees.
Switzerland confirms PRRS