Abstracts - Pig health
Blood transcriptomic differences in the immune response under stressful environmental according to stocking density
Assessment of temperature and time on the survivability of PRRSV and PEDV on experimentally contaminated surfaces
Mitigation of aerosol and microbial concentration in a weaning piggery by spraying nanobubble ozone water with an ultrasonic sprayer
Can environmental nebulization of lavender essential oil improve welfare and modulate nasal microbiota of growing pigs?
African swine fever virus DNA is present in non-biting flies collected from outbreak farms in Romania

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Maternal flavour conditioning combined with organic and inorganic iron-supplemented creep feed on piglet and the effect on performance and haemoglobin status
Intradermal needle-free injection prevents ASF transmission, while intramuscular needle injection does not
A diagnostic approach to confirm Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae “Day zero” for pathogen eradication
Gut microbiota affects the estrus return of sows by regulating the metabolism of sex steroid hormones
Infection prediction in swine populations with machine learning
First detection of PCV4 in swine in the United States

African Swine Fever
Reclassification of ASFV into 7 biotypes using unsupervised machine learning
A cross-sectional assessment of PRRSV nucleic acid detection by RT-qPCR in serum, ear-vein blood swabs, nasal swabs, and oral swabs
Space–time dynamics of African swine fever spread in the Philippines
Pig manure treatment strategies for mitigating the spread of antibiotic resistance
A novel recombinant S-based subunit vaccine induces protective immunity against porcine deltacoronavirus challenge in piglets
333 Emerging Voices: Evaluating the nonspecific protection of an immunostimulant based on heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis against Salmonella Choleraesuis infection in pigs
Master's thesis from the Institute for Game and Wildlife Research (IREC), University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Directed by Prof. Dr. Christian Gortázar Schmidt and Prof. Dr. María de los Ángeles Risalde Moya.

Refining PRRSV-2 genetic classification based on global ORF5 sequences and investigation of their geographic distributions and temporal changes
Transplantation of fecal filtrate to neonatal pigs reduces post-weaning diarrhea
333 Emerging Voices: Evaluation of tail biting in pigs at the abattoir
Integrated Master's Dissertation in Veterinary Medicine by Alice Gomes from UTAD (Portugal) advised by Professor Madalena Vieira-Pinto.
Re-evaluation of ASF genotypes reveals existence of only six distinct p72 groups
Epidemiological assessment of African swine fever spread in the Dominican Republic
333 Emerging voices - Tributyrin supplementation as functional feed additive positively impacts the growth performance, metabolic status and gut microbiota in weaned piglets
Doctoral thesis from the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences Department, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), advised by Luciana Rossi.