Abstracts - Pig health
Prevalent Eurasian avian-like H1N1 swine influenza virus with 2009 pandemic viral genes facilitating human infection
Effects of Clostridium butyricum and Enterococcus faecalis on growth performance, intestinal structure, and inflammation in lipopolysaccharide-challenged weaned piglets
Considering weaned piglets for control of Salmonella infection in breeding farms
Comparison of anatomical and gastrointestinal functional development between gilt and sow progeny at birth and weaning
Hepatitis E virus in pigs from slaughterhouses, United States, 2017–2019

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Assessing efficacy of feed additives to control Salmonella in nursery pigs
Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents
The autors review the literature about the persistence of human and veterinary coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces as well as inactivation strategies with biocidal agents.
Highly effective vaccine against ASFV
A neutralizing monoclonal antibody-based competitive ELISA for CSF C-strain post–vaccination monitoring
Half-life of african swine fever virus in shipped feed
Development of a highly effective African swine fever virus vaccine against the current epidemic Eurasia strain

African Swine Fever
Novel circovirus species Porcine circovirus 4 identified in pigs, China
Antimicrobial capabilities of tea tree and rosemary essential oils on refrigerated swine seminal doses
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae variability: Current trends and proposed terminology for genomic classification
Effect of litter aggregation and pooling on detection of PRRSv in piglet processing fluids
Comparative evaluation of immune responses of swine in PRRS-stable and unstable herds
The piglet mycobiome during the weaning transition

Association between antimicrobial usage, biosecurity measures as well as farm performance
Processing fluids and serum samples to characterize PRRSv dynamics in 3 day-old pigs
Use of a fluorescent powder to study the transfer of contamination from livestock trailers
Changes in the prevalence of Salmonella serovars associated swine production
Effect of antimicrobial administration at birth on prevalence of antimicrobial resistance genes in piglets
The dynamics of the antibiotic resistome in the feces of weaned pigs following administration of oxytetracycline