Abstracts - Pig health
Shower-in and shower-in plus bench entry protocols for prevention of contamination in a swine facility
Performance of pigs raised in antibiotic-free or conventional production systems following challenge with PRRSV
Supplementation of C. butyricum and B. licheniformis in weanling piglets
First oral vaccination of Eurasian wild boar against ASF virus genotype II
Sampling strategies to conduct influenza surveillance in pigs

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Importance of considering transmission of FMD during the incubation phase
Evolution in Europe of ASF genotype II viruses from highly to moderately virulent
Infectious dose of ASFV when consumed naturally in liquid or feed
Autogenous vaccination in a herd facing severe exudative epidermitis outbreaks in pigs
Alternative sampling strategies for passive CSF and ASF surveillance in wild boar
PCV-2 genotype update and proposal of a new genotyping methodology

African Swine Fever
Genetically modified pigs are protected from classical swine fever virus
Vaccination of 1-day-old pigs with a PRRSV modified live attenuated virus vaccine is able to overcome maternal immunity
ATP bioluminescence a means for assessing trailer cleanliness
Epidemiological surveillance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in extensively raised pigs in the south of Spain
PCV3 is highly prevalent in serum and tissues and may persistently infect wild boar
Survival of African Swine Fever virus in excretions from pigs

Abundance and diversity of the faecal resistome in slaughter pigs and broilers in nine European countries
Relationships between colostrum supply of suckling piglets and Salmonella prevalence in piglet rearing
Microbial shifts in the swine nasal microbiota in response to parenteral antimicrobial administration
Herd‐level prevalence and incidence of PEDV and PDCoV in swineherds in Ontario
Effectiveness of composting as a biosecure disposal method for PEDV-infected pig carcasses
Relevant measures to prevent the spread of ASF in the European Union domestic pig sector