What does Pig333 have to do with soccer?
Seemingly nothing, but Pere Roca has found a link. Find out what!
New trends in nutrition
We are always on the lookout for the latest developments in animal nutrition.
The pigs are aways up to something...
You can never let your guard down on the farm. When you get distracted, things get complicated...
A bad case of tail biting
This is one of the most horrifying cases of tail biting ever recorded...
Tip to save water
Saving water is one of the pillars of sustainability on the farm. Let's look at some tips on what NOT to do.
Are you using the search bar on Pig333?
With Pig333's new search bar, you'll find (almost) everything...
This the season when the sky is full of wonders...
...and other things that are not so wonderful.
Traps for wild boar
Wild boars are becoming a plague. We have to think of new strategies for their control...
New biosecurity measures
Introducing the latest (and radical) addition to the farm's biosecurity measures.
The new ASF map on Pig333
Have you seen the new African swine fever outbreak map? Are there any points in your area?
What does the future hold?
Not everyone has a vision of the swine industry like our experts Guillem Burset, Dennis DiPietre, Isidre Guinjoan, Sara Mazo, or Francisco Ruíz...
New uses for slurry
Our favorite humorist continues to delve into possible solutions for livestock manure.
We are worried about ASF
Our friends are very concerned about the entry of ASF... You can't let your guard down!
How to face high energy prices on the farm
Our friends propose a solution to combat energy prices on the farm.
What more could go wrong?
After ASF, the pandemic, energy prices, and the war, it seems there is nothing more that could go wrong...
Costs are skyrocketing
Rising feed and energy prices are making it difficult for pig production...
Sometimes it is hard to find reasons to be happy
It is not always easy to understand why humans behave the way they do...
Feed prices are so expensive
Prices of raw materials for animal feed are so high that speculation is unavoidable...
We put 333 users' humor to the test
At the FIGAN conference, we did an experiment... we hung a blank comic and let visitors fill in the text. Here's our favorites.
The sustainable farm
Want to take a step forward towards your farm's sustainability? Don't miss the latest comic from Pere Roca!
Treasure hunting
Do you know what product our protagonist is looking for? It must be something very valuable...
Over 100,000!
A curious paradox... In these times of smaller social gatherings, we reach 100,000 users!
What trees are you seeing and what forest are you missing...
Don't let the efforts aimed at COVID-19 lower our guard against other threats.
Time in quarantine
In addition to biosecurity for animals, we must add biosecurity measures between workers.
Mistakes in artificial insemination
Artificially inseminating sows requires our utmost attention to avoid errors such as those depicted here.
What you didn't know about live vaccines
In many articles we have explained the difference between killed, live, modified, and subunit vaccines... but this is something totally new.
Pig production internationalisation
The global pork exports market is shaking up. Are you going to stay out?
An effective disinfectant
In times when biosecurity is vital, the choice of a good disinfectant is key.
An unexpected visit...
Pere Roca insists on highlighting the consequences of mistakes regarding biosecurity.
Biosecurity against ASF
The emergence of African swine fever in wild boars in Belgium has made the alarm bells ring. It is essential to maximise all the precautionary measures.