Brazilian grain production in the 2022/23 harvest may reach 309.9 million tons. Almost half of this total volume comes from the soybean crop, which represents around 151.4 million tons, as shown in the 6th Grain Crop Survey 2022/23, released on March 9 by the National Supply Company (Conab).
The harvest is advancing in all producing regions, with lower percentages compared to the 2021/22 harvest. This slower pace is explained by various reasons including excessive rainfall, which hinders the traffic of machinery in the fields.

This delay impacts the sowing of second-crop corn, which has been sown in 63.6% of the area forecast for the crop in the whole country. In the same period last year, this number was close to 75%. Still, Conab projects an 11.3% growth in production, which may reach 95.6 million tons. For the first harvest of grain, the expected harvest is approximately 26.76 million tons, 6.9% higher than the 2021/22 harvest.
March 9, 2023/ CONAB/ Brazil.