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2017 another record year for EU agri-food exports

The value of EU agri-food exports reached €137.9 billion in 2017, corresponding to a sustained increase by 5.1% in value terms compared to 2016.

21 February 2018

Major gains in annual values have been achieved in agri-food exports to the USA (+6%), Russia (+16%) and several Asian markets: Japan (+11%), China (+5%), Hong Kong (+10%) and South Korea (+13%).

The sectors of wine, pet food and spirits and liqueurs performed very well in terms of exports over the last 12 months. On the other hand, wheat and other cereals and pig meat exports decreased. EU agri-food imports also increased but at a slower pace than exports meaning that the trade balance for agri-food products remains positive with an export surplus at €20.5 billion.

Pork meat fresh, chilled and frozen recorded a reduction in export values greater than EUR 0.1 billion over the last 12 months.

Monday February 19, 2018/ EC/ European Union.

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