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A new OIE and OECD collaboration to face animal health and welfare future challenges

The cooperation of the two organisations will notably concern exchange of information and technical cooperation, in particular by focusing on best practices, policies and economic evaluations, related to animal health and welfare, veterinary drugs...

12 September 2016

Dr Monique ÉLOIT, Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and Ms Mari KIVINIEMI, Deputy Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), signed this afternoon a memorandum of understanding to deepen the collaboration between the two organisations. This agreement provides a formal foundation for expanded communication, cooperation and collaboration in order to exchange views on policy issues within their respective competencies and consult regularly on matters of common interest with a view to achieving their objectives and coordinating their positions and activities.

The cooperation of the two organisations will notably concern exchange of information and technical cooperation, in particular by focusing on best practices, policies and economic evaluations, related to animal health and welfare, veterinary drugs (including antimicrobial resistance), impact of livestock on environment, biological threat reduction from threats of natural, accidental and intentional origin.

Wednesday September 7, 2016/ OIE.

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