
Additional FMD case found in central S. Korea

South Korea confirmed an additional case of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the country's central region on Tuesday, after initial vaccinations of all livestock in the country have been completed, the government said Tuesday.
7 February 2011
South Korea confirmed an additional case of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the country's central region on Tuesday, after initial vaccinations of all livestock in the country have been completed, the government said Tuesday.

The single case at a pig farm in Yeongi, 155 kilometers south of Seoul, brings the total number of officially confirmed FMD outbreaks to 141, after animals started showing symptoms in late November, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said.

The latest outbreak comes after no confirmed case was tallied by the central government on Monday, while only one outbreak was reported on Sunday as the inoculations start to better protect animals from the highly contagious animal disease.

The ministry said that because livestock on the farm were given vaccine shots recently and could not have developed antibodies, all 4,300 animals have been ordered destroyed.

It said other livestock within a 500-meter radius of the site that may not have developed antibodies will be culled as a precautionary measure.


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